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The Spanish Real Estate Barometer


After an atypical summer and with an uncertain autumn ahead of us, we decided to launch the 5th wave of our Real Estate Barometer in Spain, due to our conviction that this is a much more coherent and valuable tool to help us know the way the market has changed and where it is going ( a conviction that seems to be mirrored by more and more professionals and news providers, including a recent article published in FORBES Spain).

Currently, and despite the current COVID situation, the optimism gauge has increased to 6.8/10 in this wave, compared to 6.7/10 in the previous report.

In the link below you can access the full national results of the latest Barometer, and remember that you can have access to local area information for most regions of Spain by becoming a panelist, which will give you access to exclusive and personalized information as it becomes available. You may also access all the previously published reports.

Become panelist

Full Report


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De Cos dice que la reputación de la banca «es un tema muy serio» del que las entidades no son del todo conscientes