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AÚNA, a step towards sustainable buildings


At UCI we are proud to be a part of AÚNA, The Spanish forum whose objective is to promote the renovation of buildings by addressing one of the key barriers often encountered: Access to adequate and affordable financing.

Achieving the European objective of total decarbonization of our building stock by 2050 requires new financing models for renovations, with the most favourable and appropriate conditions for each individual project. In this sense, AÚNA was born as a great multi-level and multilateral focus group, driven towards financing sustainable buildings, and which manages to promote collaborations for the effective and wide application of the Smart Finance for Smart Buildings initiative.

Likewise, AÚNA will contribute to achieving the objectives of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2023 (PNIEC) and the 2020 update of the long-term strategy for Energy efficiency rehabilitation in the building sector in Spain (ERESEE).

This project, funded by the European Union thorough the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, has nine member organizations from the Spanish construction, habitat and finance sectors: Green Building Council España (GBCe), Greenward Partners, Cohispania, International Financial Agents (AFI), Ecooo Revolución Solar, Extremeña Energy Agency (AGENEX), Castilla and Leon Construction Institute (ICCL), Clúster de Hábitat Eficiente (AEICE), and of course UCI. The project has an initial budget of one million Euros and will last 24 months, but with a vocation for continuity beyond this initial period.

Participating organizations will work in four rounds to advance the practical definition of financing measures, with clearly defined progress indicators:

  • Preparation, definition and planning of the FORUM discussions.
  • Extension to the rehabilitation sector, in the broadest sense
  • Public disclosure
  • Contribution to the PNIED and ERESEE objectives for 2023.

Our Citizens, key players in rehabilitations

The forum is also aimed at citizens who are homeowners or potential home buyers, as they are a key element in achieving the goal of decarbonizing cities.

In addition, AÚNA also seeks the collaboration of those responsible for administrative bodies, in order for the progress of the project to materialize and to be incorporated into different public strategies and policies.

In the words of Emilio Miguel Mitre, Director of International Relations at GBCe and coordinator of this project: “AÚNA seeks to join forces, add knowledge and efforts to contribute to sustainable development and a new decarbonized European economy”. He goes on the say that “one of the objectives of AÚNA is to become a great ecosystem of different actors in the value chains of construction, energy, finance, public authorities and of citizens.

Hoy es noticia



De Cos dice que la reputación de la banca «es un tema muy serio» del que las entidades no son del todo conscientes