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How to make Torrijas!!


With milk, honey or wine infused…. The typical Spanish dessert “torrijas” are irresistible in all their forms. Typically associated with Easter and spring, they are a delicacy to enjoy at any time.

Today we want to share with you this traditional recipe so that you can taste a piece of Spain in your home. Delicious!

Ingredients for the Torrijas:

3/4 l milk.

2 eggs.

Abundant olive oil.

200 gr sugar.

lemon peel

1 cinnamon sprig

For the syrup:

500g sugar.

500 ml of water.

2 sprigs of cinnamon.

Lemon peel


Cut the bread into slices of approximately 2 cm. Pour the milk into a large bowl and add the lemon peel, the cinnamon and 200g of sugar. Warm in the microwave or in a small saucepan, and stir well until the sugar dissolves.

Soak the bread in the milk, while beating the eggs on a plate. Heat the oil in a pan (the amount of the oil should be enough to almost cover the bread). We take the bread out of the milk helped by two forks, carefully without breaking it, drain a little and pass it through the egg, drain again and fry on both sides, remove and leave on a plate to cool.

For the syrup we put the sugar with the water, lemon and cinnamon to cook on a gentle heat, and when it has the texture of syrup, we leave it to cool down. When it is cold enough we add it to the bread to be soaked up, and leave for a couple of hours ( if you can … 😊 ) after that they are ready to eat!

Hoy es noticia



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