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Managing your work life from home


Managing your work life from home

1. WORK SCHEDULE: although we are at home, we are working, therefore, we
should have a fixed work schedule and habits, just as if we were leaving home
every day.

2. WORKSPACE: We have to set up an appropriate workspace at home, where
we’re comfortable and we’re able to concentrate.

3. SEPARATE free time and family moments from our working hours, making sure
we dedicate time to each as appropriate.

4. TAKE BREAKS. In our schedule, there should be time to stop and eat, move
around and stretch. It’s easy to make the mistake to work non-stop, which can
cause a negative impact on us both physically and mentally.

5. STAY ACTIVE: It’s the perfect moment to do those activities that we enjoy the
most. We have unimaginable online training options: yoga, dance, aerobic,
interval training, etc., that will help us disconnect from work and stay happy.

6. COORDINATE with our household members, so we understand our situations
and schedules, and help each other adapt our jobs /school to our personal life to
make the situation easier.

7. PLAN. Establish personal and team routines. At this time, more than ever, we
should be using our calendar to plan and organise our daily activities.

8. VIDEO calls and meetings every day. Tools like Skype, Teams, Zoom or other
applications for interactive business meetings, are indispensable, and help us
stay close to our people. We can see for ourselves how they feel, and they give
us a reason to dress accordingly, set up a workspace at our home and create an
appropriate business atmosphere.

9. GUIDE your people: ask them how they feel, offer solutions to their problems,
show a positive and energetic attitude.

10. SET REALISTIC GOALS. Make sure each one knows their personal and team
goals, adapted to the current situation. It’s the perfect moment to organise and
plant seeds, so when the situation reverts, we gain ground to be strong enough
to guarantee success.

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De Cos dice que la reputación de la banca «es un tema muy serio» del que las entidades no son del todo conscientes